PING ( Partimage Is Not Ghost ), è una distribuzione Live di Linux dedicata al RIS.
Tra le principali caratteristiche:
- Backup and Restore partitions or files to a MS Network Shared directory;
- Backup and Restore the BIOS data as well;
- Either burn a bootable CD / DVD, either integrate within a PXE / RIS environment;
- Possibility to Blank local admin’s password;
- Create your own restoration bootable DVD (see the Howto Documentation);
- Partition and Format a disk before installing Windows (so to make sure your unattended Windows installation will happen on the right partition);
- Specific advantages Linux brings you over DOS and Ghost :
- Most network cards automatically recognized by the Kernel (unlike DOS);
- Most CD/DVD readers automatically recognized by the Kernel (unlike DOS);
- You don’t have to run a Ghostcast server to receive images over the network.
Fletto i muscoli e sono nel vuoto.
powered by IMHO 1.3Â 
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